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February 06, 2020

Capital Markets

GFC Media Group - Bond, Loans & Derivates Mexico Conference

Luis A. Nicolau participated as a speaker at the Bond, Loans & Derivates Mexico conference.  This is the most important conference for the country's investment banking community. It offers an ideal platform to hear about the latest local and international developments that impact the...

January 30, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

FCPA Houston - 13th Forum on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as a speaker in the 13th Forum on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act organized by American Conference Institute about the most recent developments in anticorruption and compliance in Mexico. This is the premier anti-corruption compliance event for...

January 28, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

ANADE - Compliance, How to be prepared for the coming storm?

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as moderator in the conference: Compliance, How to be prepared for the coming storm? which will be hosted by the ANADE. Read more about this event in the following PDF:...


December 04, 2019

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

ACI - 36th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as speaker at the 36th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.   This conference is the premier event of the global anti-corruption legal community. More than 700 professionals will be attending to discuss how to...

November 27, 2019

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

ICC - III International Anti-Corruption Congress

Luis Dantón Martínez participated in the Third Anticorruption International Congress, organized by the Mexico International Chamber of Commerce, moderating the panel on the use of technology to prevent, detect and combat corruption. Read more about this event...

November 26, 2019

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

ANADE - Obligations in the prevention of money laundering in vulnerable activities

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as moderator in the conference on "Obligations in the prevention of money laundering in vulnerable activities", hosted by the Anti-Corruption and Corporate Compliance Committee of the ANADE Colegio de Abogados.Read more about this event...

November 13, 2019

Restructurings and Insolvency

REDD - Latin America High Yield & Distressed Fall Summit 2019

Jean Paul Farah participated as speaker in the Latin America High Yield & Distressed Fall Summit 2019....

November 07, 2019

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

Thompson Reuters - 1st International Compliance Congress

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as speaker in the 1st International Compliance Congress, hosted by Thomson Reuters and the Mexican Association of Integrity and Compliance, in the panel "Mega global regulatory trends and state-of-the-art management".  The event brought together...

November 06, 2019

Energy and Infrastructure Projects

Inframation - Infrastructure Investors Forum: Latin American 2019

Jorge Oria participated as speaker in the event Infrastructure Investors Forum:Latin American 2019 in the Panel Discussion: Beyond Public PPAS, in which the experts will address:How do developers structure merchant-risk plants and mitigate against spot market risk and draw...

October 23, 2019

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

ANADE - Actions on Compliance against the New Asset Forfeiture Law

Luis Dantón Martínez participated as speaker in the event Actions on Compliance against the New Assett Forfeiture Law, organized by the Anti-Corruption and Corporate Compliance Committee of the ANADE Colegio de Abogados. ...

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