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July 22, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

Benchmark Litigation Latin America interviews Luis Dantón Martínez

Our partner Luis Dantón Martinez held an interview with Benchmark Litigation Latin America to talk about his experience, trends and future of the Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations practice in Mexico, and to share how Ritch Mueller helps its clients in doing the necessary types...


July 02, 2020

Mergers and Acquisitions

M&A league table 2019: Mexico

On June 29th Latin Lawyer published the "M&A league table 2019: Mexico" report, which includes information on the activity of law firms in M&A transactions in Mexico during 2019. Ritch Mueller is among the five firms with the highest activity and total value of transactions reported in that...


June 02, 2020

Capital Markets

Debt capital markets league table 2019: Mexico

On May 26th, Latin Lawyer published the "Debt capital markets league table 2019: Mexico", which includes a list of the most important legal advisors and closed transactions in the mexican market during that period.  Ritch Mueller headed the table: "Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau, SC...


June 01, 2020

Energy and Infrastructure Projects

Newsflash - CRE issues a press release regarding the approval of tariffs for electric energy transmission service to be applicable to Legacy Interconnection Contracts

On May 28, 2020, the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) published on its website a press release CRE/03/2020 announcing the approval of new tariffs for the electric energy transmission service to be applicable to holders of legacy interconnection contracts (the “Press...


May 25, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - Specialized Competition Court rules that COFECE is the competent authority to review the Uber/Cornershop transaction

The First Collegiate Circuit Court Specialized in Competition, Broadcasting and Telecommunications Matters (the “Specialized Court”) ruled on May 21 that the Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE”) is the competent authority to review the proposed acquisition...


May 20, 2020

Energy and Infrastructure Projects

Newsflash - SENER issues a policy on reliability, safety, continuity and quality of the National Electrical System

On May 15, 2020 the Ministry of Energy (“SENER”) published the “Official Communication that issues the Policy on Reliability, Safety, Continuity and Quality of the National Electrical System” (the “Official Communication”)(1), which entered into force on May...


May 18, 2020


Newsflash - June 1, 2020 – VAT rules on digital services come into force

On June 1, 2020 new value-added tax (“VAT”) regulations for digital services provided by non-Mexican residents will come into effect.  New Chapter III BIS of the VAT Law establishes a new tax regime applicable to the following digital services when rendered by non-Mexican tax...


May 18, 2020

Capital Markets

IFLR Americas Awards 2020 recognizes Ritch Mueller in Capital Markets

On May 14, IFLR announced the winners of the IFLR Americas Awards 2020, recognizing Ritch Mueller as the "National Firm of the Year in Capital Markets in Mexico".  In its announcement, IFLR highlighted the work of the firm in different transactions such as the €400 million offering by...


May 12, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

Newsflash - Guidelines for the Prevention and Detection of Operations with Illegally Obtained Resources in the Financial System derived from Acts of Corruption

The National Banking and Securities Exchange Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) has published the Guidelines for the Prevention and Detection of Operations with Illegally Obtained Resources in the Financial System derived from Acts of Corruption (“Guidelines”)...


May 12, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE issues recommendations in relation to CENACE´s Official Communication

On May 6, 2020, the Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE”) issued recommendations regarding the official communication issued by the National Energy Control Center ("CENACE") on April 29, 2020, aimed at guaranteeing the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and...

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