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April 13, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

Newsflash - Mexico makes progress in financial technology compliance and prevention of unlawful transactions

On March 24, 2020, the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, “SHCP”) issued a resolution publishing the official forms to be used in connection with reporting obligations under the Law to Regulate the Financial Technology Institutions (Ley...


April 13, 2020

Banking and Finance

COVID-19 Temporary Exemptions to Banking Liquidity Requirements

In the midst of the COVID-19 health emergency and related economic downturn, the Banking Liquidity Regulation Committee, comprised of representatives of the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público), the National Banking and Securities Commission...


April 13, 2020

Banking and Finance

Legal Guide for COVID-19

Ritch Mueller participated in the preparation of the Legal Guide for COVID-19 coordinated by Estándares Pro Bono México, Fundación Barra Mexicana, A.C., Appleseed México and Centro Mexicano Pro Bono, A.C., with the support of the Instituto de Investigaciones...


April 13, 2020

Capital Markets

Newsflash - COVID-19 – CNBV announces the extension of terms applicable to securities’ issuers to comply with certain reporting obligations

In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores; “CNBV”) issued on April 8, 2020 temporary measures to facilitate compliance by Issuers(1) of their periodic information disclosure obligations (the...


April 08, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE´s Digital Strategy

The Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE” or the “Commission”) published on 30 March COFECE´s Digital Strategy to address the new challenges presented by the digitalization of the economy from a competition perspective. In its document COFECE lists...


April 08, 2020

Capital Markets

Newsflash - COVID-19 – Issuers and Disclosure of Relevant Information

In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic and the recent publications in the Official Federal Gazette (the “DOF”) of decrees on health emergency and suspension of activities (see Newsflash entitled “COVID-19 – Declaration of Sanitary Emergency due to Force Majeure”...


April 08, 2020


Newsflash - COVID-19 Tax – Force majeure

Amid the health crisis brought by COVID-19, it is of outmost importance for Mexican taxpayers to understand the applicability of the relevant force majeure tax provisions.  For such purposes, please bear in mind that on March 30, 2020, the Mexican National Health Council published a decree in...


April 07, 2020

Banking and Finance

Newsflash - Administrative order to terminate public trusts, public mandates and similar instruments

On Thursday, April 2, 2020, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, ordered the publication in the Official Federal Gazette (“DOF”) of a decree directing the termination of public trusts (but only in respect of public trusts that do not have...


April 03, 2020

Banking and Finance

Newsflash - COVID-19 - CNBV issues recommendation regarding the payment of dividends, repurchase of shares and other benefits of stockholders of banking institutions

With the purpose of strengthening banking institutions in Mexico, on March 31, 2020, the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) (“CNBV”), issued a recommendation so that such institutions abstain from paying dividends, repurchasing...


April 03, 2020

Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations

Newsflash - COVID-19 Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

The Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) and the Mexican Internal Revenue Service (SAT) in a joint communication indicated that, in case of any delay in the regulatory compliance in AML obligations as a result of COVID-19, obligated parties can request before the SAT an authorization to implement a...

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