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Competition and Antitrust News



October 01, 2020

Ritch Mueller

Ritch Mueller - New Partners' Announcement 2021

We are pleased to inform you that as of January 1, 2021, Alejandra Echeverria Gonzalez and Gabriel Robles Beistegui will become partners of the firm. Read announcement...


August 03, 2020

Ritch Mueller

#ReporteÁgora:The Mexican firms that best navigate the COVID-19 crisis

On July 23, LexLatin published the first edition of its #ReporteÁgora, which was focused on "The Mexican firms that best navigate the COVID-19 crisis", highlighting the most relevant M&A, financing and debt offering transactions that took place during the first half of 2020.  Ritch...


May 25, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - Specialized Competition Court rules that COFECE is the competent authority to review the Uber/Cornershop transaction

The First Collegiate Circuit Court Specialized in Competition, Broadcasting and Telecommunications Matters (the “Specialized Court”) ruled on May 21 that the Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE”) is the competent authority to review the proposed acquisition...


May 12, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE issues recommendations in relation to CENACE´s Official Communication

On May 6, 2020, the Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE”) issued recommendations regarding the official communication issued by the National Energy Control Center ("CENACE") on April 29, 2020, aimed at guaranteeing the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and...


May 11, 2020

Ritch Mueller

Newsflash - CENACE issues an official communication to guarantee the reliability of the National Electrical System

On April 29, 2020 the National Energy Control Center ("CENACE") published an Official Communication to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and safety of the National Electrical System (“SEN”), in light of the SARS-CoV2 virus pandemic (COVID-19) (the "Official...


April 08, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE´s Digital Strategy

The Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE” or the “Commission”) published on 30 March COFECE´s Digital Strategy to address the new challenges presented by the digitalization of the economy from a competition perspective. In its document COFECE lists...


March 31, 2020

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE's position with respect to the COVID-19 health emergency

The Federal Commission of Economic Competition (“COFECE” or the “Commission”), as a result of the current health emergency, has joined the efforts of various agencies of the Mexican Federal Government to reduce the risk of the spread of the virus, by issuing a ruling...


January 29, 2020

Ritch Mueller

Ritch Mueller is awarded by LatinFinance as Law Firm of the Year: Mexico

On January 29, the LatinFinance Deals of the Year Awards 2019 were held at the Gotham Hall in New York, where the most outstanding transactions in Latin America's financial markets were recognized, as well as the professionals and institutions involved.    Ritch Mueller was the winner of...



November 26, 2019

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - COFECE closes investigation on concentration in the market of diesel and gasoline

Due to the lack of sufficient evidence, the Federal Commission for Economic Competition (“COFECE” or the “Commission”) has proceeded to the early closing of case file DE-018-2017, consisting in an investigation on the alleged implementation of an illegal concentration in the...


June 25, 2019

Competition and Antitrust

Newsflash - Antitrust Tribunal dismisses constitutional relief (amparo) request by PEMEX

The Second Collegiate Circuit Tribunal on Administrative Matters, specialized in economic competition, broadcasting and telecommunications (the "Tribunal"), recently dismissed the amparo request filed by Pemex Logística challenging the resolution A/015/2018 (the "Resolution") issued by the...

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