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December 12, 2023

Banking and Finance

Chambers Global Practice Guide - Banking Regulation 2024: Mexico

Our partner, Pablo Perezalonso, along with associates Isabel Ortiz Monasterio and Alejandro Mosqueda, co-authored this article prepared for the Chambers Banking Regulation 2024 Guide, in the "Trends and Developments” section of Mexico's Chapter, in which they comprehensively explore various...

December 07, 2023

Competition and Antitrust

Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico: Legal Frame

Our counsel, James E. Ritch, and associates Cecilia Cajiga and Julia Fuentes, explain in the 108th edition of "Trade, Investment, and Financing," published by ICC Mexico's Pauta magazine, the importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). FDI is considered vital for national development as it...

November 23, 2023

Ritch Mueller

Guía de Orientación Jurídica para los damnificados del Huracán Otis

Our firm, in collaboration with Estándares Pro Bono México, Fundación Barra Mexicana, Fundación Appleseed México, and the Centro Mexicano Pro Bono, is pleased to present the "Guía de Orientación Jurídica para los damnificados del...

November 14, 2023


E-invoicing: Mexico’s pioneering path creates complex terrain for taxpayers

In this article written for ITR (International Tax Review), our partner Santiago Llano and associate Diego Guerrero, analyze global trends in e-invoicing, highlight Mexico's pioneering role, address its relevance in M&A transactions, and explore a groundbreaking Mexican legal precedent...

November 02, 2023

Energy and Infrastructure Projects

Project Finance 2023 - Mexico

Our partner Jorge Oria and associate Santiago Zardain, co-authored Mexico's chapter of Chambers' Project Finance 2023 guide, which includes two sections: "Law and Practice" and "Trends and Developments".  In the "Law and Practice" section, our experts examine the big picture of project...

October 30, 2023

Environmental and Social Impact

Practical tips for environmental verification visits

Our partner, Brenda Rogel, and associate Estuardo Anaya have listed in this article, published in the 'Environmental' section of the 13th edition of The Legal Industry Reviews Mexico magazine, some practical recommendations for companies to address verification visits that the environmental...

October 26, 2023


Foreign resident capital gains taxation in Mexico: a practical guide

In this article written for ITR (International Tax Review), our partner Juan José Paullada and associate David Guakil, explain how taxes apply to non-Mexican residents selling shares in Mexico. "Article 161 of the Mexican Income Tax Law (MITL) provides that income derived from the sale of...

September 25, 2023

Environmental and Social Impact

Carbon Tax: How is it applied in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico?

Our partner Brenda Rogel and associates Ana Paulina Arenas and María Fernández, collaborated on this insightful article for Lexlatin,  where they explain how carbon taxes operate in Mexico, both at the federal and state levels. Our experts also highlight the challenges that...

September 25, 2023

Capital Markets

Private placements and other exempt offerings in Mexico: Overview

This article, authored by our partner Gabriel Robles and associate Ernesto Talamás in collaboration with Thomson Reuters, offers a comprehensive overview of private placements and other securities offerings that are exempt from the registration requirement under the securities laws of...

September 19, 2023

Real Estate

Unlocking investment opportunities: Mexican real estate investment trusts

In this article written for ITR (International Tax Review), our partner Oscar López Velarde and associate Martín Corona, explain the tax-related benefits of FIBRAs, a Mexican investment vehicle tailored to an evolving sector. "One of the key advantages of investing in FIBRAs is their...

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